2 Cor 4:6 NIV " For God, who said, "Let Light shine out of darkness," made His Light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in the face of Christ."
Friday, March 26, 2010
Fun w/ Horses and Friends :)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Atlanta Passion Play...
In The Beginning Was The Word | APP 2010
FBA’s Easter Classic the Atlanta Passion Play is back again this year with a newly created production that portrays the life of Jesus, from His miracles to His resurrection and ascension.
The official site is: www.atlantapassionplay.org
I just HAD to write something about this!!!! :) I attended yesterday afternoon with my Parents, and Aunt Pat (dad's sis) who traveled the 10 hours from WV. To come and see their younger daughter and son-in-law perform onstage! They were both AMAZING!!! Adrienne is in tons of the scenes as one of the chorus members and dancer. AND actually helped create a great deal on the sets and was at the church constantly. She is such the social butterfly and God so used every bit of that for the past 2 months preparation for this journey she and Jay were on.
And Jay... well he was Simon PETER... :) and I have never been so proud!!! To hear him sing was amazing, but you could see in his demeanor that he held an audience of ONE - the only ONE that mattered! It was an amazing play starting in the beginning... even w/ adam and Eve. Each year the play has some different aspect of it to show out of the scriptures. I won't ruin it for you in case you'd like to attend... but WOW.
I also have to say that God has so answered prayer, in that I have seen such a peace about my sister that I haven't before. They both belong at First Baptist in Atlanta. I am a gushing Proud older sister. Of my sis and her husband, to all those who put together this drama, and the God who made it all come together.
They have shows all next weekend as well. it's being held at the ATLANTA Civic Center. Please be praying for all those who attend, for the workers, the actors and all involved.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Name on the front of the Jersey....
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Weekend Doggie fun....
After working the Anderson Co baseball Tournament where Palmetto beat Pendleton (Go Mustangs). I got to return home to my wonderful little home and enjoy some down time..
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Being a Finisher
Monday, February 15, 2010
Snow in the South
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
my fave things ;)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
SMT Celebration 2010
Years ago, "encouraged" by a friend, I memorized the Word. However, it turned into more like a competition for me. Seeing which one of us could out-memorize the other. The Words just were words on a notecard, their addresses became fleeting and the meaning behind them lost.
Last December, as I read LPM's Blog I found myself praying at end of 2008, "Lord - let's do something different...This time I want to meet with you with these verses. Not how many I can memorize but to learn the depth behind the Words You have written to me." It has been my breath for this past year! Beginning with the first verse in Isaiah to the last one in John for December, it has been a wild ride.
“I am a resident alien…seeking direction… in deep want of wonder…in peril and need…troubled by humanity…especially my own…knowing that to follow, is the only free road… for a straying sheep longing to be found.”
Plus I got to Eat Amazing Food!!! (ok – so FreeBirds is SOOO Awesome!! )
Chrystie and I attended sunday morning service at Houston First. Where we heard a wonderful message by Pastor Gregg Matte.
To out Siesta Mama, I have been to so many of your events (I actually miss the dog stories ;) LOL!!! I never grow tired of hearing you teach us what God has shared with you. Thank you for reminding us to not rapidly pass it along, but to receive it for ourselves.
Amanda and Melissa, thank you for sharing not only your mom with us all, but your own lives as well. You two are wonderful godly women.
Travis – I thank you for being man enough to step into a room charged with estrogen!!! J and for leading precious worship !
For the beautiful women of LPM!!! Y’all were so very welcoming – THANK YOU!
Thank you ladies for an amazing weekend, one I will never forget. It was by far the most intimate event I have been to, and to all come together for the common goal of celebrating learning His Word – AMAZING!!! Lets’ Do it again!!!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
What's in a name?

I figured I may need to explain the title of my blog J See, after visiting the SMT Celebration and seeing so many women connected in a way I had so desired to share, I decided to “bite the bullet” so to speak. So, with the help of my friend Chrystie, Pathfromtheheadtotheheart, I have leapt into the world of blogging. Please, forgive me if I am rusty at this.
One of the verses I memorized was 2 Cor 4:6, “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” This verse although coming late in the year, has become a resounding shout in my heart. A good many of my verses after looking back were about shining God’s light. As I was deciding on a name, the song Sweet Illumination by Shane and Shane came on my ipod, as I listened to the words I thought that’s it… however only to find that name is taken L I had just listened to David Crowder Band sing In the End… the sub title is O Resplendent light…. PERFECT…
His Resplendent Illumination is what I desire… Brilliant Illumination upon all that is around, but also that I may shine the Illumination and be the mirror He needs me to be.
One of my favorite verses in Revelation is 22:23, “The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the Glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its LAMP!!”
Let your light shine today!